Looking for floor and wall padding?
01702 810016
Select Category All Interactive Sensory Equipment Aromatherapy Art & Creativity Balance & Co-ordination Balance and Coordination Ball Pools Bean Bags, Seating & Storage Bubble Tubes & Walls Bundles & Kits Calming Sensory Rooms Challenging Furniture Corner Kits Dementia Sensory Room Dens EYFS Sensory Room Fibre optics Garden Packages Immersive Sensory Rooms Interactive Floors & Walls LED Tubes Musical Over £2k Padded De-escalation Rooms Padded Seating Physical Play Physical Soft Play Radiator Padding Role Play Safety Padding You Might Like Seclusion Mattresses Sensory At Home Sensory Bedrooms Sensory Ceilings Sensory Gardens Sensory Integration Sensory Lighting & Projectors Sensory Products Sensory Room Packages Sensory Soft Play Soft Play & Padding Sounds & Music Tactile Tactile & Sensory Uncategorized Under £2k UV, Shadow & Darkroom Wall & Floor Padding Wall Panels Water Play Waterbeds Weighted & Vibration Select Tag 1 to 10 number discs 11 piece soft play set 14pc soft play set 19 piece soft play set 2 seater sofa 30cm Ball Pool 3d animation projector 50" Interactive Wall Touch Pad 6 tactile liquid floor tiles 6" wheel 9 bubble mirror acrylic mirrors acrylic mirrors for bubble tube activity board Activity Boat Activity Centre Activity Centre Soft Play Activity Panel Activity Station activity wall panel Adult Picnic Bench adventure play tunnel aeroplane aeroplane activity wall panel agility wall airboard set airboards alphabet discs Animal Beanbags animal sounds panel animals in motion animals in motion liquid floor tiles set anti tamper anti tamper bean bags anti tamper lounger anti tamper padded seating anti vandal anti vandal mattress Apple Activity Centre aquarium aquarium theme aroma Aroma Oils Aroma Panel aroma play dough Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Panel art at home aurora ceiling sensory balance balance bar balance board balancing ball pit ball pond ball pool Ball Pool with Rainbow Lights Ball Pool with Slide Ball Pools ball pools with slide ball pools with steps Ball Pools with steps and slide Ball Poool balls Basin Bathroom Padding bead panel beads bean bag bean bags beanbag Beanbag Sofa Beanbags bed bed for mattress bed padding bed surround bedroom pads bees bells bench bench planters big blocks big building block blanket blocks bluetooth bluetooth ceiling speakers bluetooth speakers bluetooth wall mounted speakers boat boats body organs wall panel body pillow body sock body socks body wheel bongo drums bongos Bonnie Bonnie the Tactile Butterfly Book Bean Bag box bed brach carpet bridge bright bubble bubble column bubble machine bubble machine and fluid bubble machine fluid bubble mirror bubble panel Bubble tube bubble tube alternative Bubble Tube Base bubble tube care kit bubble tube cleaning fluid Bubble Tube Seating bubble tube wall bracket bubble tubes bubble wall bubble wall panel bubbles Bug Hotel build build n balance build n balance set Building building blocks bundle bus busy board Butterfly Activity Station butterfly flower bed calming calming chair calming cocoon Calming corner calming hugger Calming Projectors calming room calming seat calming sensory calming sensory room calming sounds calming swing canoe canoe seat cap with stem car Care chair carousel carpet carriage case caterpillar caterpillar seating caterpillar sofa caterpillar wall panel CD ceiling ceiling cloud ceiling effects Ceiling Mirror Balls ceiling panel ceiling speakers chair chalk chalkboard chalkboards challenging Challenging Environments challenging furniture Children's outdoor bridge Children's Teepee Children's Wooden Chairs Children's Wooden Shelter with Shade childrens adventure trail Childrens Bowling Alley childrens climbing wall childrens den childrens garden childrens mini bench childrens painting window Childrens Picnic Bench Childrens Play Train childrens playhouse childrens role play stage Childrens Wooden Playhouse chime posts chimes chimes table choo choo train Chroma Panel circuit circus roller Classroom corner classroom instruments classroom percussion pack climb climbing Climbing cube climbing set Climbing Triangle climbing wall climbing wall castle cloud ceiling Cloud Nine cloud panel cloud tiles co-ordination cocoon cocoon nest swing colour Colour Change colour change cube colour change lighting Colour change pebble Colour Change Tree colour changing colour changing egg colour changing led lighting colour changing wall panel colour creation colour creation tube Colour Fibre Optics colour lighting with controller Colour tube coloured seating coloured teepee Colourful Ball Pool colourful cloud colourful pads colourful soft cushion colours complete sensory room concave mirror concave wall mirror Construction Construction Big Blocks construction blocks convex mirror convex wall mounted mirror corner ball pool Corner Base Padded Seating corner mud kitchen corner ocean ball pool Corner Role Play Kitchen Corner seating corner soft play corner soft play den corner soft play set cosy bean bags couch countryside course Crash Pit crawl creative creativity crisis room crittacabin cube cuddle ball curved Cushion cushion with UV light Custom Made Outdoor Boat cylinder cylinder light daisy dark den de-escalation de-escalation room den dens Diffuser discs divider pads dome ceiling tile Donut cushion donut cushion with fibre optics donut cushion with fibres door foam door padding door pads door protection dot wall double sided sensory carpet draughts drawing drum drums dry wipe board Early Years Mark Making easel economy educational elephant activity wall panel emotion Emotion Cushion Emotion Cushions with Storage Emotion Cushions with Trolley emotion wall art emotions enchanted Enchanted Floor enclosed padding equipment Essential Oils explore explorer tactile expressive faces falling fibre fiber fibre fibre carpet fibre den fibre optic fibre optic bubble tube fibre optic carpet fibre optic ceiling fibre optic ceiling effects fibre optic curtain fibre optic curtain on swing arm fibre optic rug fibre optic seat fibre optic wall panel fibre optics fibre optics with light source fibre shower fibres fiesta fiesta ceiling tiles fiesta panel firefly light flip sequin panel floor floor mat floor mats floor pad floor padding floor projection floor projector floor surfer floor tile floor tiles flower bed Flower head outdoor sensory music post flower seat set flower seating flowerbed flowers fluid foam foam block foam cover Foam Filled Rolling Beams foam house foam shapes foldaway den foldaway hideout foldaway soft play foldaway soft play den folding sofa foot stall Forest Wall Panel fragrance Freddie the Tactile Frog Frog fun seating galaxy projector garden garden alphabet letters garden chess garden draughts garden games garden ladder garden light garden lights garden mirror Garden Music Band Garden Musical Instruments garden numbers garden projector garden soft play Garden Tactile Panels Garden Tongue Drum garden toys Garden Water Play gardening gears and shapes wall board gears and shapes wall panel gel tiles gesture gesture control giant balancing board Giant Beanbag for Sensory Room giant chess Giant Cloud Nine giant den giant draughts Giant Musical Chimes Tree giant rockers giant sequin wall panel giant soft play set with floor matting giant top giant wooden weaving panel glitter glitter tube Glo Board glow glow kit glow panel glow rug gutter play Hammock HAMMOCK SWING hand massager hand percussion handled oval handled physio oval hanging Hanging Fibre Optics head protection headboard hedgehogs hideaway Hideaway Den hideout hidout hilltops hopper jumping cushion hopscotch hugger illuminated ball pool illuminated painting illusion imagination immersive immersive room immersive sensory room indoor climbing wall Indoor garden soft play indoor rock climbing infinity infinity box infinity cube infinity mirror infinity panel Insect hotel insect house insects instrument instruments instruments for classrooms inte interactivce floor interactive Interactive Activity Station interactive ball pool Interactive Colour Creation Panel interactive floor interactive floor for sensory rooms interactive floor projector interactive floors interactive musical light beams interactive pad interactive pad for children interactive padded touch screen Interactive Panel interactive panels interactive pattern panel interactive room package interactive sensory interactive sensory room interactive sensory room package interactive sensory rooms interactive sound spot wall interactive storm tube interactive table interactive tubes interactive wall Interactive Wall Pad interactive wall panel Interactive wall touch screen interactive wall with trolley interactive walls Interactivwe Floor jelly fish bubble tube Jigsaw Puzzle Activity Station join the dots sequin panel jumbo jumper jumbo water sensory chute Jumbo Wooden Aeroplane jumping jumping blocks jumping cushion jungle Jungle Panel Jungle Sound Jungle Sound Pad Jungle Sounds kitchen kitchen garden set kits Koala ladder ladybird ladybirds large childrens playhouse large cushion large hideout Large Musical Chimes Tree large rocker large roller Large Roller Rocker large tyre laser laser light LED led 3d colour change projector led ball pool LED Bar. LED Strip Lighting LED corner cabinet LED egg LED furniture LED Light up Blanket led lighting led panel LED tube Light light beams light column light panel light projector light tube light up light up art table Light Up Ball Pool light up cube light up cylinder lights lights ball pool lightsource liquid floor liquid floor tile liquid floor tiles liquid tile liquid tiles lit up egg lockable storage lockable storage box lollipop lolly lounger lounger seat M magic light easel magic light table Magic Mixer Tactile Panel magic sand box magic sandbox Magical Playhouse Magical Storytelling Throne magnetic body organs wall board magnetic easel magnets make a picture sequin wall panel Mark Making Mark Making Cube massage massage basket massage mattress massager Mattress mattresses medical bean bag medical chair meditation cd messy play Messy Play Table messy table Mini Mini Insect Hotel mini parkour set Mini Trampette Mini Trampoline minibeasts mirror mirror ball mirror ball with LED lights Mirror Balls Mirrors misty mountain misty mountain soft play misty mountain soft play centre misty mountain wall pads mobile Mobile Ball Pool mobile cart Mobile Floor Projection mobile sensory mobile sensory floor mobile toy box mobile toy storage mobile trolley moon seesaw motor skills move movement mud kitchen Multi Effect Mirror Multi Sensory Play Panel multi use zone multi-sensory multicoloured complete soft play set multisensory room music music kit music pack Musica Chimes musical musical 5 bells panel Musical Bell Flower Musical Bell Tree Musical Cam Chimes musical chimes Musical Chimes Tree Musical Floor Pads musical garden musical instruments Musical Maraca Tree Musical Sensory Musical Sensory Garden Musical Sensory Instruments Musical Sensrory Chimes Musical Tree Musical Wall Pads Mystical Playhouse NEST SWING net lights nhs sensory area nhs sensory room nordic nordic discs nordic tactile nordic tactile discs ocean ball pool ocean carpet ocean wave projector Oils Open Seating optics outdoor outdoor alphabet discs outdoor art weave station outdoor bean bag Outdoor bench planter outdoor book storage Outdoor Bowling Alley outdoor chimes Outdoor chldren's sleigh Outdoor Climbing for Children outdoor den outdoor draughts Outdoor Ingredients Table outdoor kitchen outdoor learning outdoor library outdoor lights Outdoor Mirror outdoor mud kitchen outdoor music Outdoor musical instrument Outdoor painting easel outdoor panel outdoor parachute Outdoor Planter Outdoor Planting Table Outdoor Play Outdoor Play Boat outdoor play castle outdoor playhouse Outdoor Role Play Outdoor Role Play Petrol Pump outdoor sensory area Outdoor sensory garden play equipment Outdoor Sensory Play outdoor sensory room Outdoor sensory stage Outdoor Shelter with Sail Shade outdoor shopping centre outdoor snack bar outdoor soft play outdoor spinner Outdoor storytelling bench Outdoor team building table outdoor teepee Outdoor Train Outdoor Water Wall Board outdoor weaving panel Outdoor Wooden Planter outdoor wooden tunnel outside storage paaded seating package pad Padded Base padded corner sensory padded cushion with fibre optics padded fibre optic seat padded plinth padded rollers padded room padded seat padded seating Padded Storage Padded Storage Base padded table Padded TV Padded TV Challenging Environments Unit padded tv unit padded window padding pads painting panel parachute parkour parkour set passenger pastel hue construction blocks patterns peanut ball PeaPod pebble Pencil Padded Wall Art Pencil Sensory Padding percussion instruments physio oval piano piano pads piano wall Picnic Bench Pillow Pirate Ship pitched roof den pitched roof hideout pitched roof soft play pitched roof soft play den with twinkle fibre optics pitched roof soft play foldaway hideout place value 1 to 999 plants Plastic Ball Pit Balls plastic balls platform swing play area Play Boat play box with casters play circuit play den play den with fibre optics play fort play house play mat playhouse playtime plinth Pond Sensory Wall Pond Sensory Wall Panel pop up den Porate Ship portable Portable Ball Pool portable sensory portable sensory products portable sensory trolley portable soft play set portable trolley Post Padding pouf pretend play projection projection mapping projector projector images projector wheels pull radiator covers pads radiator padding rainbow rainbow cloud rainbow lights rainbow pads rainbow panel Rainbow Race Light Up Game rainbow room rainbow wall panel rainforest Rainforest Package Rainforest Room Rainforest Sensory Room rainforest theme rainwheel Reading Area reading mat Reflection Relaxation Cabinet relaxation CD Relaxation Kit; sensory relaxation; sensory small items Resistance Bag Resistance Bean Bag resistance tunnel Retro Egg Chair ripple mat River river landscape River run river shapes river stones river tactile stones rock rock climb rock climbing indoor rocker rocker seat rocking rocking chair Rocking Koala rocking soft chair rod panel rod wall Rod Wall for Sensory Rooms role play Role Play Kitchen role play shelter Role Play Shopping Centre. Outdoor Shopping Centre Role play sleigh for sensory garden Roleplay Aeroplane roller roller rocker roof Room Diffuser room lighting round seesaw round table rugs Safari sounds panel Safe Chair safe seating safe space safety safety padding safety padding for radiators safety pads sand Sand and Water sand box sand pit sand table Sandpit Sandpit Shelter Sandpit with Cover Sandpit with Lid scatter scatter cushion school sensory room Science Activity Station seating seating area seating with storage seclusion mattress seculsion mattresses secure padded seating secure seating secure window cover Senscircle SensOn sensory sensory arches sensory aroma fan sensory at home sensory ball pool Sensory Bean Bag sensory bean bags Sensory Beanbag sensory bedroom sensory bedrooms sensory blanket Sensory Boat sensory Calming bundle sensory calming kit sensory canoe sensory ceiling sensory ceiling effects sensory ceiling swing sensory ceiling swings sensory ceiling tiles sensory ceilings sensory chair sensory cloud sensory cloud ceiling sensory column sensory corner Sensory Corner Base sensory cushion sensory den sensory dens sensory diet Sensory Doodle Play Panel sensory equipment sensory feel sensory floor Sensory Furniture Sensory games sensory garde Sensory garden Sensory Garden Activity Pole Sensory garden adventure set sensory garden bench planter Sensory Garden Climbing sensory garden climbing set Sensory Garden Early Years Sensory Garden Flower Panels Sensory Garden Growing Box sensory garden low planter Sensory Garden Mud Kitchen Sensory Garden Musical Sensory garden musical instrument Sensory garden outdoor trail sensory garden package Sensory Garden Packages sensory garden painting sensory garden painting window Sensory Garden Pirate Ship Sensory Garden Planting sensory garden play tunnel Sensory Garden Rock Band Sensory Garden Sand Pit Sensory Garden Sandpit sensory garden soft play sensory garden stage Sensory Garden Team Building sensory garden toadstall Sensory garden Washing Machine Sensory Garden Water Board Sensory garden water chute sensory garden weaving panel Sensory Garden. Musical Sensory Garden. Sensory Musical Instruments sensory garden. pyramid sensory gardens sensory gel sensory instruments sensory integration sensory integration swings Sensory Integration; Climb; Sensory Climbing System sensory interactive Sensory interactive wall panel sensory kit Sensory light beams sensory lighting sensory liquid floor tiles sensory massage sensory massager sensory mattress sensory mirror Sensory Music sensory musical sensory musical garden Sensory Musical Instruments Sensory Musical Squares sensory nature seat Sensory outdoor musical flower post sensory outdoor seating sensory outdoor stimulating seating sensory packages Sensory Padding sensory panel sensory panels Sensory Peapod sensory pillow sensory platform swing sensory play sensory play den sensory play pool sensory plinth Sensory Pond sensory projector sensory resistance tunnel sensory rocker roller Sensory roller sensory room Sensory Room Activity Station sensory room animal sound panel sensory room bundle Sensory room carpet sensory room carpets Sensory Room Cushions sensory room design Sensory Room Egg Chair Sensory room emotions carpet Sensory Room Fibre Optics sensory room floor Sensory room Interactive Carpet Sensory Room Interactive Panel Sensory room mildfulness carpet sensory room mirrors Sensory Room Oils sensory room package sensory room packages Sensory Room Padded Seating sensory room padding sensory room projection sensory room projector sensory room rugs sensory room seating sensory room snow machine Sensory Room Sofa Sensory Room Soft Play Sensory Room Soft Play Beams Sensory Room Soft Play Stepping Stones Sensory Room Soft Seating Sensory Room Swing Frame Sensory Room Swings sensory room tyre sensory room uv lights Sensory Room; Sensory Room Package sensory rug Sensory Safety Padding Sensory Sand Play sensory seat Sensory Seating Sensory Seating. GroundMe Sensory Seating sensory seesaw Sensory Sequins sensory soft cap with stem Sensory Soft Climbing Set sensory soft play sensory stimulation Sensory stool Sensory Story Telling Chair sensory swing Sensory Swing and Frame Sensory swing frame and attachments sensory swings Sensory Tactile Panel sensory tactile panels sensory tactile wall panel sensory teepee sensory tiles Sensory Totem Pole Sensory Touch Bean Bag Sensory Trampoline sensory trolley sensory tube sensory tunnel sensory tunnels sensory vibrating pillow Sensory Wall Sensory Wall Panels Sensory Wall Set sensory water Sensory Water Play sensory water tunnel sensory water wall Sensory Waterprrof Beanbagf Sensory Weighted Blanket sensory weights sequin sequin board sequin panel sequin picture sequin wall panel sequins serene Set Colour Ball Pool set of 6 tactile liquid floor tiles Set of Tactile Shapes shadow shapes shapes house shapes wall board shop shopping shower SI sight silencing couch silver sequin sink padding sky tiles Slab Beanbag slide and cube tunnel soft play small smell smells snack shop snake seating snake wall panel snow machine snowfall snowflake light snowflake projector sock sofa sofa mat soft coloured seating soft corner den soft padded fibre optic seat soft padded seating soft padded trampoline soft play soft play adventure set soft play assault course Soft Play Ball Pit soft play ball pool soft play box on wheels soft play box with casters soft play centre soft play challenger soft play circuit soft play climb and slide soft play climb n slide soft play climbing soft play cube tunnel Soft Play Den soft play den with mirrors soft play dens soft play garden soft play house soft play in storage bag soft play large tyre soft play logs soft play playground soft play seesaw soft play set soft play shapes soft play shapes house soft play steps and slide soft play tree trunk soft play tunnel Soft Seating Soft Tunnel Climber solar projector song soothing sensory seat sound sound activation sound bumpas Sound Pad sound pads sound spot wall sound to light sparkle sparkle n glow sparkle rug speakers Spectrum Spectrum Cloud spiders spin Spin Maracas spinning spot wall Square Base Padded Seating square dark den squeezeme squeezie seat squidgy squidgy sparkle circles stack staff calming staff sensory room standard software star ceiling panel star ceiling panel with remote star net lights Starlight Projector stars projector steel drum steel pan Step n Slide Ball Pool stepping stones steps stimuilating chair storage Storage Base storage box storm storm tube Storytelling Chair strands stress relief play dough stretch strong window sun panel super ball pool super interactive ball pool super interactive package2 super interactive sensory package super interactive sensory room super interactive sensory room package 2 super large ball pool super maxi suspension steel frame swing arm optics swing frame Swing Frame and Platform Swing SWING SEAT SET swings table table top steel pan tactile Tactile Bean Bag tactile butterfly tactile discs tactile frog Tactile Garden Panel Tactile Garden Panels tactile liquid floor tiles tactile panel tactile panels tactile pathway tactile sensory tactile shapes tactile stones tactile wall Tactile Wall Panel tea shop technology teepee textured pathway textured tiles the magic sensory room The Rainforest Sensory Room Package Themed corner therapy ball THERAPY CABIN therapy chair toadstall Toddler round table toddler sofa toddler table Tortoise and The Hare Totem Pole touch touch screen touch screen with mobile trolley Touch Sensitive Bubble Tube touch table touch wall Train train seating trampoline transparent balls transparent glass for painting transport trapeze Tree trolley tube tube light tube lighting tunnel tunnel box tunnels TV security unit twist ultraviolet Ultraviolet LED Bar upper case alphabet discs uv UV board uv carpet UV cushion uv fibre optics uv fibre optics with lightsource UV fluid uv kit UV Kit for Sensory Rooms uv light UV light strip uv mat UV mirror with strands uv ripple uv rug uv rugs uv woven vibrate vibrating vibrating bean bag vibrating cushions vibrating floor mat vibrating floor pad vibrating pillow vibrating pouf vibrating sensory vibration vibration pillows vibrations vibro vibro acoustic vibro pouf vibro sensory product viibration mattress vinyl wall Vision Boards wall wall foam wall mounted speakers wall mural wall pad wall paddding Wall padding wall pads wall panel wall panel musical wall touch screen Washing Machine Play Panel water water play water play outdoor water play Water Play Table water pump water table water tube water tunnel water wall waterbed with massage waterbed with vibration waterfall waterfall projector Waterproof Beanbag Waterproof Beanbag Chair waterproof beanbag stool Waterproof Padding Waterproof Sensory Chair wave wave lounger seat wavy weight weighted weighted blanket weighted caterpillar weighted sensory product Weighted Sensory Stimulation Weighted Therapy weighted therapy blanket welded seams mattress wellbeing wellbeing sensory room wellbeing software Wetroom Padding wheel whiteboards wildlife garden wonder web wonderweb wooden wooden alphabet discs Wooden Archway with Planters Wooden bowling Alley wooden box bed Wooden Bridge Wooden Chair Wooden Chair with Face Wooden Chairs wooden digits wooden fort wooden number discs wooden numbers wooden outdoor library wooden paintin easel Wooden Petrol Pump Wooden Picnic Bench wooden place value sets Wooden Play Aeroplane Wooden Teepee Wooden Thrones Wooden Up and Over Steps woodland woodland soft play set woodland walk woodland walk wall woodland walk wall panel woodland walk wall panels World Book Day writing zones of regulation Order by Ascending Descending Filter Order by price Order by date Order by title
Order by Ascending Descending
Filter Order by price Order by date Order by title
Bean bags, Seating & Storage
Bundles & Kits
Bubble Tubes & Walls
LED Tubes
Sensory Lighting & Projectors
Wall Panels
Sensory Ceilings
Sounds & Music
Fibre optics
Sensory Integration
All Interactive Sensory Equipment
Interactive Floors, Walls and Tables
Balance & Co-ordination
Weighted & Vibration
UV, Shadow & Darkroom
Sensory At Home
Art & Creativity
Under £2k
Over £2k
Corner Kits
Calming Sensory Rooms
Immersive Sensory Rooms
Padded De-escalation Rooms
Sensory Bedrooms
EYFS Sensory Room
Dementia Sensory Room
Garden Packages
Physical Play
Tactile & Sensory
Role Play
Water Play
Challenging Furniture
Seclusion Mattresses
Radiator Padding
Padded Seating
Ball Pools
Physical Soft Play
Sensory Soft Play
Prices exclude VAT/Delivery (added at checkout)
A comfortable and cosy seat with great posture support so children can sit and read for hours.
Made from PVC and foam. Meets relevant safety standards.
Available in green only.
Suitable for children aged 2-10 years
H550 x W400 x D850mm